Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Countdown... 0 Day Left ...Family Traditions-Christmas Parade..

Since this is Christmas I wanted to do a blog post on my families Christmas traditons.. Every year we have family traditions some have been around since I was a small child others just started when my son was born.. I think it is very important to have traditions for the holidays.. One that has just started since his birth is going to the Christmas parade in our town we actually have three that happen near us so we go to atleast one of them every year.. I go with my mom, some times my grandmas and sometimes my husband goes it just depends but it is a tradition that I want to keep doing till my son is too old to appreciate it!!
Baking Christmas cookies is an older tradition we have done since I was a small child it has been a favorite for my mom and I.. We wear our festive Christmas shirts and bake fun sugar cookies with frosting for santa!!!
We also go look at Christmas lights my son loves that... This is also a tradition that has been around before my son!! I put him in a pair of festive pj's and we go out for a couple of hours and just drive around town he says "wook momma here comes more lights!!!" it is a very special tradition for me.. This year his pj's have dogs with reindeer antlers so cute (got them at goodwill for 2.00 not bad)..
Here is a pic of some lights not the best pics but what can you do at night..
Also every year I get my son a pair of Christmas pj's (they don't have to be new since he only wears them one night) so when he opens his presents he is in his Christmas pj's.. This year they are fleece with a reindeer on the shirt and festive plaid pants (got them at goodwill for 2.00 also)..
Also every year since he has been able to we make an ornament to add to our tree this is another tradition that I love cause when he is grown up I will still have the ornaments he made to remember all the fun memories we made at Christmas time.. This one was made a the library this year but he also made a santa one with me at home (which I did blog post about)..
On Christmas eve night right before my son goes to bed I read him The Night Before Christmas that is my favorite by far (the book was a gift from a friend for his first Christmas.. How we celebrate Christmas eve/Christmas is a tradition too, on Christmas eve we go to my grandma's house then on Christmas day we go to my mom's, my other grand parents and my dad comes up later that day to visit so it is a very busy day!!
We also do the Christmas ornament tradition my mom did this for me when I was little up until I moved out of her house (at age 21) my husband and I also get an ornament every year and since my son has been born he gets one too (his first Christmas he got 3).. This year it is thomas the train for my son (my mom got it for him and she still has it so I used the stock photo)...
We also have the usual ones like putting up the tree the day after thanksgiving, sending out cards and getting Christmas pics taken.. Some things that just started this year that I would like to turn into traditions are making a gingerbread house, getting his pic taken with Santa, getting a letter from Santa and writing a letter to Santa these brought my son so much joy and happiness I would like to make them traditions!!! I hope you have traditions for your family too and since it is Christmas my family and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year hope you got everything you wanted!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Countdown...3 Days Left ...I Promise I'll Be Good Santa!!...

This is a little collective blog of funny stories that involve my friends kids and Santa so sit back and enjoy!!! -3 year old girl Pre-story-she decided that it was ok to say "bad" words so her grandmother told her at Santa would not come if she kept saying them.. A few days later she saw Santa at the mall and ran up to him and before he could even say hello she was telling him "Santa I promise not say bad words anymore, I promise!!!"...
7 year old boy Pre-story-We always ask what to get him for Christmas and his mom tells us to get him a game stop gift card cause he got the newest game system.. Fast forward to Christmas morning we are giving gifts and he gets to ours looks at me and says "how did you know Santa was going to get me that game" and I said "well your mom told me what you wanted and you are such a good boy I knew Santa would get it for you" (what a save)...
8 year old girl Pre-story my friend is the craziest, funniest person I know and her daughter is going to be just like her... My friend asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she named everything but the kitchen sink so my friend said "don't be so greedy and pick a couple of things for Santa to get" and her daughter replied "mom why are you getting so mad Santa brings all of the stuff not you" to which my friend replied "oh no mommy has to pay Santa for this stuff, do you think he does it for free" (she is too funny but this is a good thing to say to kids that think it if "free").. Those are the best stories of my friends kids and I am sure when my son gets older I will have some of my own he has really been loving Santa and has seen him 3 times this year and every time he sees him he tells him he wants a tickle duck.. I have no idea what that is maybe Santa can figure it out..

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Countdown... 4 Days Left... What Santa Got Our 3 Year Old For Christmas!!...

This is a blog about what Santa got our 3 year old son for Christmas this year!!! Got really lucky and found most of the items on clearance or sale that really helps out a lot!!
This is the busy day on sodor train set (kmart clearance 33.00 regular 69.99)
This is the cranky and flynn track set (kmart clearance sale 21.50 regular 49.99)
This is the bounce and ride thomas by fisher price (kmart clearance find 13.00 regular 29.99)
This is a thomas and friends bath track toy (kmart clearance 7.49 regular 15.99)
This is thomas and friends thomas and bulstrode bath buddies boat (kmart clearance 7.50 regular 15.99)
This is thomas friend salty and his fishy delivery train (kmart clearance 8.00 regular 17.99) this is so cute the fish pop out of his car there is also a toby that has a clown car that pops out and a thomas that has jam jars that pop out his grammy got him those two.. He is also getting the cars that go with flynn the fire truck which goes with the cranky train set (kmart clearance 8.49 regular 17.99), 4 thomas (one is has a camera, one sings, one is a look and find)books (ollies all were 4.99), and of course everything in his stocking Santa got him as well that is in another post.. For everything including his stocking, Santa and our presents we spent $270.00 that is not bad for everything he is getting just goes to show clearance shopping will really help!! Hope your family is going to have a wonderful Christmas like we are!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Countdown... 6 Days Left... Crafty Corner-Santa Ornament...

Today was kind of a stay at home clean the house kind of day so I thought it would be the perfect time to get out some of my son's Christmas crafts and let him choose one to make.. He choose the santa ornament kit so that is what we did and had a lot of fun doing it!!
This is the kit we used (got it at walmart last year after Christmas so not sure if they have them this year or not) it is a very easy craft so even my 3 year old had no problems...
It comes with all the pieces you need and most of them are stickers but you do need glue for the eyes and the ball on santa's hat..
This is our finished product it is hanging on our tree and looks so cute.. My son loved doing it so much we made more for other family members (there are 4 in each pack).. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our Christmas crafty house to yours!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Countdown To Christmas.. 7 Days Left ...Yes I Get My Pets A Christmas Present!!!...

My son and I actually got our Christmas cards mailed out today and finished up some of the shopping which included our pets.. So this is going to be a gift idea blog for your pets!!! As stated before I have a dog and a chinchilla and yes they do get gifts too.. My pets were my babies before my son was born (still are) they have always gotten a Christmas, Easter and Birthday gift just like you would a child (cause they are your children).. So wanted to do this post to show what we get them and give you an idea for your pet as well!!
We got our chinchilla a bag of pineapple pieces (walmart 1.97), a box of dried figs (walmart .97)and a plush toy (dollar tree 1.00)(she likes to carry then around and lay on them)...
We got our dog a box of treats that look like suckers (dollar tree 1.00), a doughnut squeaky toy (dollar tree 1.00) and some bones (not pictured).. I also got my mom's dog a box of the sucker treats and a squeaky pig toy (they have already been wrapped).. I just put the items in their stockings on Christmas eve night so when we get up they have their presents too... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my pets to yours!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Countdown To Christmas.. 8 Days left... A Week Of Memories!!!

As you can see my Christmas countdown got a little off track but that is life... We are down to 1 computer now so it is hard for me to be able to blog cause during the day is sometimes hard then my husband has it at night and by the time he is done I am so tired it is bed time for me... So I am going to (here we go again) TRY to write a blog everyday this week till Christmas with all of the fun memories and things that happen through the week!!! Here is a little break down of what has been going on since we last spoke.. I have been very busy with wrapping presents, shopping and addressing Christmas cards.. Funny thing about the card situation is we got our son's pics taken on Nov. 17 so I could have them in time to send out cards and it is now a week till Christmas and they are still setting on my counter (well that is a fail for this year better luck next year) they are addressed just need mailed might get to it tomorrow we shall see... Hoping we don't have any of those last minute gifts that we have to run out and buy on Christmas eve (that pretty much happens every year)... Well lets get this week of memories started with what we did today!!!
Today my son and I made a gingerbread house (I put it together and he decorated it) we have never done this before but we loved it and it may become another tradition of ours to do every year!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Countdown Day 16...I Love To Wrap!!!...

I have an obsession with wrapping christmas presents!!! I have always been like this even when I was younger and it is worse now that I stay at home because there is more time to do it.. Every year I try to think of new ways to wrap my presents especially for the kids it is so fun!!! Last year I put little toys and candy canes on their packages and this year I put a stocking with some little toys on the front and it turned out really cute so wanted to share...
The little stockings were on sale at kmart for .39 a piece, there are 3 toys in the stocking a bendable snowman or santa (sets of 2 at walmart .97), a jumper (put on table and has a spring they pop up in elf, santa, penguin or snowman set of 4 walmart .97) and a yo-yo has santa, snowman or penguin on them (set of 8 walmart 1.97).. So for the stocking and everything in them it cost me 1.39 per package which is not bad at all and it makes the package so cute!!!
This is the finished product and I think it turned out really cute.. Now lets just hope we get them to were they are going intact and everything still in the stockings.. I do each childs package in a different paper but they all have a stocking I think it makes a really cute addition to your packages and makes them more festive!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Countdown To Christmas Day 17...Cute And Thrifty 12/03/12-12/09/12...

***Well as you can see I did not get a post up for yesterday sorry I am trying!!***12/03/12-Crazy 8 hoodie sweater (super clearance 3.99), crazy 8 gentleman prefers mom thermal under shirt (clearance 3.99), old navy jeans (goodwill 2.00) and wonderkids black shoes (consignment 3.50) total for whole outfit 13.48 now that is cute and thrifty!!!
12/06/12-baby gap layered shirt (clearance 5.99), baby gap navy pants (consignment 3.50) and new balance tennis shoes (yard sale new 5.00) total for whole outfit is 13.49 now that is cute and thrifty!!
He wore other outfits this week but for some reason I have no pics of them and they are being washed now so I can not get pics of them will try harder next week to take pics everyday!!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Countdown Day 19...I Want A Duck For Christmas..

My son loves Thomas the train he has really gotten into him the past few months, of course once he gets into something I think he needs everything that has ever been made for since the beginning of time.. So my story begins kmart has a 50% off of their clearance prices on the toys and I went down there and go everything thomas I could find (those are from Santa).. Then I got him a few things from his us too (cause that is how it goes) mostly elmo things cause he loves him too... Thought I did very well he was going to love what Santa got him then we saw Santa at the mall and when he asked my son what he wanted I automatically thought he would say Thomas but no he said "I wan a tickle duck"... Now what is a tickle duck you ask I have no idea there are no new toys like that and I have not seen any commericals for toy like that so guess I am just going to have to look for some kind of duck cause I want him to have what he asked Santa for.. Kids throw you curve balls all the time you just have to go with it nothing is ever perfect especially when you have a child that is old enough to voice his opinion...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Countdown To Christmas Day 20....Thrifty Thursday 11/29/12-12/12/05/12 With A Special Guest!!...

11/30/12-Goodwill trip-prim pillow .95, burgundy star .55, basket candle ring .55, rocket ship toy .95 (most annoying toy ever!!!) , thomas book .50 (still plays music) and monkey toy .55 (my dog was sniffing the items so her nose is in the pic too)....
12/03/12-Goodwill trip-elmo puzzle 1.55 (now this is going to be a lesson for me which I already knew better but my son wanted that puzzle so bad.. It is missing 2 pieces so my advice is if it is not put together count the pieces before you buy), small chair .95, sandals 2.00, bag of thomas track .55(which of course my son has gotten a hold of so there is one piece to show you what it is), clifford books (he got 3) thomas book .50 a piece and a doggie priceless (she has been in the last couple of photos I swear these were taken two different days, she just wants to say hi)..

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Countdown Day 21...Santa Is My Best Fwiend!!!...

In the previous post Hi Santa I go into detail about how my son was petrified of Santa for the past couple of years.. Now he is obsessed with him every where we go he will ask me where Santa is, it is too cute!! So he went to the mall a couple of weeks ago which has already been documented but last weekend we went to another mall and he got to see him there too.. He also got a letter from him and a phone call earlier this week and he was so excited about it.. It came from packagefromsanta.com I highly recommend them I got all of that for 12.00 and that included shipping so it is well worth it, they ask you a few questions so it can be personalized and they also have other neat items that you can purchase but since he is still small I just went with the letter/phone call and also he gets a personalized video which he has not seen yet (I am waiting for the week of Christmas for that).. Right after his phone call he walked over to his pics with Santa and said "momma I wuv Santa Cwause, he is my best fwiend" how cute is that.. So I am so glad he is over his fear and Santa is a good thing to him now Christmas is a lot better when Santa is involved!!!
This is the balloon he got for seating on Santa's lap he also got an elf finger puppet which he almost lost a thousand times before we left the mall... The pic below is of his letter from Santa!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Countdown Day 22...Stocking Stuffer Ideas!!!...

My son is 3 so I don't do expensive things in his stocking just some simple toys and some candy my husband usually ends up eating the candy (except for the suckers) but I put it in there anyways.. I got the items from walmart, kmart, dollar general and dollar tree all are excellent places to find cute cheap stuffers.. Wanted to give some ideas cause they sell out pretty quickly and this stuff is really cute!! So here are all the things I got for his stocking this year..
He really likes suckers they are his fave candy so I got a lot of different kinds (also there will be candy canes they are not pictured) ring pops (4 pack 1.00 walmart), tootsie roll pops (1.00 walmart), 2 push pops (1.00 a piece walmart) and the cutest the rudolph and abominable snowman face suckers (1.29 a piece k-mart).. Then there is a mini reese cup candy cane (2.00 walmart), reese piece candy cane (1.00 walmart), container of m&m minis (1.00 walmart) and angry birds (yes he is obsessed with angry birds) gummies (1.00 a pack walmart)..
Then there are the toys santa puzzle (.97 walmart), litte sponges you can grow (walmart .97), 2 small rubber ducks (.97 walmart), bigger rubber duck (1.00 dollar general), 2 angry bird lip balms (1.00 a piece dollar general), light up tree (1.00 dollar general), set of 4 jumpers (.97 walmart), 4 small yo-yo's (come in pack of 8 for .97 walmart), paddle ball (1.00 dollar tree), walking santa (1.00 dollar tree) and bendable santa (comes in pack with snowman .97 walmart).. I spent around $24.00 on everything in his stocking not bad I usually try to do it for $20 but did not go over by that much.. That is everything for his stocking and I am just hoping it all fits!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Countdown Day 23.. It's A Beautiful Tree For Santa Cwause!!!...

I had this big idea in my head that my Christmas tree this year was going to be all vintage glass ornaments and hand blown glass ornaments with a few ornaments my son could put on there but... We have a tradition to put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving after we have had dinner with my dad or pop-pop as my son calls him.. He started helping me decorate and he loved it so much that he decorated the whole bottom (up to were he could no longer reach) of the tree and I could not take the ornaments off after he worked so hard so I left them and just decorated the top part of the tree with my ornaments.. I have to say it looks way better then it did in my head and I am just glad he loves Christmas as much as his momma!!! After we had finished decorating he said "Momma the twee is so pwetty, it's a bootiful twee for Santa cwause, he will wuv it" this is the first year my son has even liked Santa so I was very surprised.. He makes me laugh everyday and says the funniest off the wall things ever and it makes me so happy that I get to experience this another great memory for me.. So here is our Christmas tree for the 2012 holiday season hope you love it like we do!!!
Here it is all lit up.. I love a colored light tree it is so pretty especially when the lights are off and it is dark outside.. It just gives off a wonderful glow!!
Closer look at some ornaments..
Some of the ornaments belonged to my grandma that has pasted away this is one of them I loved these little birds when she had them on her tree it is nice to have things that belonged to the people you love so you can pass those memories down..
Closer look at more of the ornaments just to give you an idea of what it looked like..
This is a pic to show how my son put his ornaments on the tree he would put them right beside each other it was too cute and I just left them the way they were.. Thanks for going along on our Christmas adventure with us stay tuned for more Christmas related blogs and our countdown to Christmas!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Countdown Day 24...Cute and Thrify 11/26/12-12/02/12....

This is not Christmas related but I do different blogs on certain days so I am just including them in my countdown cause they would be posted anyways!! We stayed home pretty much all week it has been really cold so we only went out if we had too so there are only a couple of outfits to share...
11/27/12-gymboree pirate layered shirt (yard sale 1.00), gymboree track pants (yard sale 2.00) and new balance tennis shoes (goodwill 2.00) cost of whole outfit was 5.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!
11/29/12-crazy 8 rock shirt (clearance 3.99), janie and jack button up shirt (going under other shirt) (consignment 2.25), wonder kids patch jeans (consignment 3.50) and new balance tennis shoes (yard sale new 5.00) cost of whole outfit was 12.74 now that is cute and thrifty!!
12/01/12-Carhartt layered shirt (ebay 9.00), old navy carpenter jeans (consignment 5.50) and grey converse tennis shoes (yard sale .50) cost of whole outfit $15.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chritmas Countdown Day 25..It's Begining To Look A Lot Like Christmas!!....

Started early last week decorating for Christmas got the living room done then did the tree over the weekend and hope to have the outside done by this weekend.. I wanted a vintage theme this year I just love anything vintage but especially Christmas decor cause it is so glitter and pretty!! Here are some pics of my decor inside and I will have a seperate post of the tree for you..
This is an old wooden ironing board I use for a table it has a vintage table runner, with a vintage gold ring with a vintage glass bowl with vintage bulbs in it there is also a small dish with more vintage bulbs in it.. There are pics of my son from all of his Christmas's so far in vintage frames.. On one side are vintage looking santas and a tree with vintage jewelery as the ornaments on the other side is a basket with a tree and two home interior snowment with a christmas joy sign..
Closer look at centerpiece there is a little reindeer that my son wanted to put on the table and also a santa candle in a vintage holder..
Closer look at vintage looking santas..
Shelf in living room just has vintage decor on it (sorry about the pic quality but it takes so long to upload pics with my good camera)..
My fav piece it is a vintage wreath hung on the back of my front door got this at goodwill for .55 I am so happy with it!! (again sorry about the pic quality)
My basket of vintage stuffed santas!! Love these too and there are also 2 vintage looking snowmen too..
Old wooden chair with vintage quilt piece, berry wreath, old santa, vintage looking basket and a merry christmas sign (that is missing the a in mas because my son has hide it from me already)..
So our stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that saint nick will soon be there!!! Hope you liked my decor ideas and I am going to TRY to put a blog up everyday until Christmas and call it my Christmas count down!!! So from my vintage/primitive home to yours Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thrifty Thursday 11/22/12-11/28/12....

11/27/12-Goodwill trip monkey plate .55, glue sticks new in package .55, hop on pop book .55. thomas shirt 2.00 (was new still had plastic from tag)and old navy pj's 2.00..
11/27/12-Goodwill trip-small christmas tree 2.00 (this is going in my son's room so maybe he won't bother the bigger tree too much)..