Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Our life with autism..... The great pants debate....

     Well...... It has been 6 months again LOL. I swear... It really should not be this hard but here we are again!
     On to another installment of our life with Autism. This is going to be about the great pants debate.... As my son gets older he gets even more particular about what he wears. When he was younger till about the age of 6 he did not care what he wore, now I have to go through an act of congress to get him to ok a shirt or worse PANTS.
     When he was first diagnosed he would wear jeans he did not care, I will even go as far to say he liked them..... What??? Soon it became no jeans only "comfy" pants (jersey, cotton, sweat, you know lay around the house stuff) of course I did not want him to be uncomfortable so I took the jeans out of his wardrobe. Then it became he only like "comfy" pants that were not hot (so no sweat pants) so of course again I took those out. Now it has gotten to I only like silky pants (basketball jersey material) not cotton pants at all, ugggggggghhhhhh.
     Of course I want him to be comfortable especially at school because he has enough behaviors going on to add anything to it. So I took the cotton pants out too, which was pretty excruciating for me. Because he only wore one particular kind of cotton pants, they are sold at walmart in the 365 brand. Last year I only bought one pair of each color and half way through the school year he had ruined two pairs and walmart had no more left in his size. So being the prepared mom I try to be I bought two pairs in his size now and one pair of each color in a size up in case he grew over the year. So Yes that is twelve pairs of pants he will not wear. Guess what..... The price tags on the pants were stickers so of course since they were going to be stored I TOOK THE TAGS OFF. I mean these are the only pants he wears..... Right? Wrong! Because now he only wears SILKY "comfy" pants. Oh the joys of being an autism mom ;)