Friday, January 29, 2021

Farmhouse Decor Haul.... Craft Shop and Goodwill-Wooden Trees-Barrel-Basket

      Hello thirfty mommas!! Got out with my mom for a bit this weekend and went to a few stores around town. We stopped by a local craft shop and I got the two wooden trees on sale after Christmas for $18 and $10 (I am going to use them now and at Christmas). I also picked up the basket with greenery for $15 and the small farmhouse sign for $8. Then I got so luck and found the old wooden barrel with the tree for $4.99!! I was so excited I hardly find good items like that at my goodwill!! 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

What Is Going To Be Donated This Week..... Wax Melts-Christmas-Clothes

      Hello thrifty mommas!! I said in my is it hoarding post that I may start a new blog post about what I am taking in for donations and I thought it was a fun idea. Since a lot of people do like to start the new year off with a good clean out I hope you enjoy this new post series. 
      This week I took in some christmas stuff I didn't need anymore that I got rid of when I was putting my decor away. I also went through a couple of shelves in my storage room so that is where the odds and ends came from you see. Got rid of a few kitchen items after going through one drawer and went through my closet to get rid of some clothes I do not wear. I did good got rid of 14 items, that really is good for me cause normally I talk myself at of things. 
        I also went through my wax melt stash, my mom got me some new warmers and new scents for Christmas so I needed to purge a little bit. I had 35 wax melt packs/jars, I ended up keeping 18 and getting rid of 17 (3 of those was thrown away cause they only had one or two melts in them). I was proud that I got rid of almost half and 11 of them are the new melts that my mom just got, so I got rid of almost all of my older packs! Some was never used while others was only missing a few cubes. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

I Love Thrifting!! This Is Why..... G.H. Bass Co. Purse-Violet Eyes Elizbeth Taylor-Home Decor

      Hello thrifty mommas!! Funny my first post after my big hoarding post is a thrift haul, I am an enigma inside of a conundrum, what can I say??? So yes, it is another thrift haul I do go thrifting a couple times a week. Most of the time I get tired of taking pics of everything so I do not post after a while but I am going to try to not do that this year. Also want to point out that my hauls for the past few weeks have been smaller than they used to be I am being a lot more selective with what I buy, this haul is from 3 separate trips and two different stores. 
       The first pic is from goodwill it is a pic from hobby lobby that was $1, a new in package galvanized metal light set for 1.99 and a bath and body works room spray in the scent energy for .99. The second pic is from salvation army I got the G.H. Bass Co. leather purse for 2.99 ( I actually went back for this purse I saw it last week but didn't get it and decided if it was still at the store this week I would bring it home), Elizabeth Taylor violet eyes perfume (full) for 1.99 and the imperial 1985 brontosaurus dinosaur for .99. Wasn't a lot for the week but I am happy with my purchases. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Is It Hoarding If Your Shit Is Cool????

         Hello thrifty mommas!! This is a bit of a different post than I usually put on here and I am thinking about putting this post on all three of my blogs. This is a long one so buckle up and get ya a snack. I am asking the retorical question, am I a hoarder? Of course I say retorical because yes, in fact I am a hoarder. Now I am not a level 5 can't throw away trash or having my house piled up to where I am putting my self or my family in danger (that is where most peoples minds go when they think hoarder). But I am a hoarder of things I love (or so I think it is love) I saw a quote that said "Is it hoarding if your shit is cool" which is funny but still it is hoarding. I have most of my closets full of my treasures and some outside in a storage building but all the rooms in the house are clear I never want to be that bad. I did get to a point where when my youngest son was a baby and he slept in the room with my for about a year, I did fill his room up and I felt awful about that. But when it came time I did what was right and cleaned it out to put his bed back in and his room has never had anything but his stuff in it since. That scared me a little cause I let it get that bad for a little bit, so left to my own devices if I didn't have a family would my house be a level 5??  

      I used to hoard a lot because of reselling, I would buy things I knew had value to resell on ebay for a little extra money and also my kids old clothes, shoes and toys would go to consignment sales to make money for my thirfting. So I held onto things because I thought "well that can make me $2" which now looking at it makes me feel silly. Does $2 really matter that much? Why hang onto that toy or pair of shoes for only that little bit of money? I started watching a youtube channel about 2 years ago, her channel is called a hoarder's heart. It was in my recommended videos list, god has such a since of humor doesn't he?? It's like youtube was like yes ma'am this lady is a hoarder let's recommend this channel to her. I watched one video and I subscribed because she spoke to me unlike any other youtuber that deals with hoarding. She understands that hoarding isn't just about getting rid of the items it is about being ready to let them go. After watching her for a while I started to let go of things I never thought would be possible for me to be ok with letting go. Don't get me wrong there are still things that I can not let go of but I am getting there. Now her hoarding is emotional she puts emotions and memories into her items that makes it hard for her to let go, I put monitary and hard to get back to mine. 

       What I mean by hard to get back is as you can tell my this blog I buy a lot of items thrifting which I find it hard to get rid of these items because of the fact that they are hard to find items. Of course a lot of them are worth some money so the monitary issue comes into play with that as well. Also I have an issue letting go because I have let go of items in the past and regretted it. With my kids items it is easy for me because they can not wear or use them any more so it really is a no brainer. I also think well I am only going to make $5 at the most, why keep this? Let it go to someone else can use it but when it comes to my dolls/toys that goes out the window. I also think man, I have so much money in these toys I can't just let them be donated I need to sell them or something if I bring myself to let go. Which does not help because then I have to store them till I can sell them it is a vicious cycle but that is how my hoarder brain works. Like I said I have worked out some of my issues but there are plenty still there. 
          Now as to why I hoard I'm not sure, Ms Heart as she is called on her channel says she was bullied as a child which led to her turning to her items for comfort but I never had an issue like that, I was a quite kid how blended into the wall so no one bothered me. I think mine may have been inherited which can happen, my grandmother was a collector of plenty as well and never wanted to let go of her stuff. Like me she was not so bad you couldn't go in her house but she had a lot of stuff, and I grew up around it. I also feel like my mom is a bit of a hoarder too cause she has problems letting go of things too. So it may just be in my genetics.  So if this is true I am trying to set an example for my boys especially my older son he was going down the hoarder path the bad one he didn't want to throw away trash..... As discussed on my mommy blog he has high funcutioning autism so it may have been that but I worked with him and now he declutters with ease so I am glad for that. Of course I need to keep an eye on him he could relapse when older but I won't worry about that now. 
         I am putting this post on all three of my blogs because I don't think the same people read all of them. Since this is my mommy blog I wanted to touch base on the items I show on this blog. As you can tell I buy a lot of things and go a little crazy with my collections. As I stated in my toy blog this isn't something I just started I have collected and hoarded my whole life my room in my childhood home was busting at the seams. I had to have something anywhere it could set and I thrifted most of it and  a lot of it was vintage I just like cool shit I can not help it. I have been doing more purging than I thought possible so I may start a new sub post about my decluttering, maybe show what I am getting rid of every couple of weeks or when I go through my things. I am not going to stop thrifting or buying things because it does bring my joy but I am going to be more observant of what I bring in and once I get my livingroom decorated I can stop buying the home decor stuff, unless, well it's cool........ 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Walmart Clearance/Gordman's Store Closing Sale.... Lots Of Plants....

      Hello thrifty mommas!! This is a fake plant haul, I had gotten these earlier in the summer but never did a post on them. I put them away in storage but got them out recently to see if I can use them in my livingroom makeover. I got all of these on clearance at walmart or at a store closing sale. So I paid $3 or less for each plant. The box wood and the eucalyptus was bought at walmart at full price but they was only 1.98 per branch. I am really liking the succulent/plant fillers in my decor. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

I Love Thrifting!! This Is Why..... Goodwill Haul... Kids Items-Dooney and Bourke-The Sak-Anchor Hoking

       Hello thrifty mommas!! Been doing some thrifting the past few weeks and here is a haul of what I have found! First off there are some kids items (I know Christmas just happened but I do save most of these items for gifts) I got a smithsonian electricity globe for 1.99, a plasma ball new in package 1.99 and a halloween light for my son's room (for next halloween) .99. Oh and all of these items came from the goodwill. 
       Then I found two wallet/wristlets first is the dooney and bourke wristlet that was never used it was only 1.29! Then I found the sac smart phone crossbody wallet that was also never used or looks to have never been for 1.99 (this is still on the sac website for $79)!! I love these kinds of wallets when you go on vac or to a flea market or yard sales, loved this find. I also got some new in package make up brushes for 1.29 and 2 mascaras for .99 a piece. Also a 2 cup anchor hocking measuring cup new for 1.99 and the 1 cup anchor hocking measuring cup new for 1.59. I needed the measuring cups I love these types of measuring cups and one of mine recently broke. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I Love Thrifting!! This is Why... Home Decor Goodwill Haul

      Hello thrifty mommas!! I have been doing some thrifting the past few weeks for new home decor for my livingroom. I have not had my livingroom decorated (unless it was fall or christmas) for about 3 years now. My son was destroying all of my stuff so he has gotten a bit older and I am hoping that he will leave it alone. So I used some of my Christmas money to buy some things off of amazon (that will be in another post) and at the thrift stores. 
      At goodwill I found this pretty lantern for 2.59 and this metal burgundy star for $2. Also at goodwill I found these pretty dollie in galvanized frames for .50 a piece!! These have to be my favorite finds they are so pretty and I will be using a lot of galvanized metal in my decor, I also got the cute sign for $1. I will be showing the progress with my livingroom as I go and will be pulling out decor I have had stored to see if I still love it. So come along for the journey and see what I come up with!