Friday, June 28, 2019

Goodwill Haul..

Haven't made a goodwill haul in a while, I have been going just not posting my finds. This trip wasn't that great but still got a few good items. A couple of the items are for resell (I say that but then never list anything). Most is for me to keep (of course it is). 

The forever midnight shower gel is for resell it was purchased for 1.99, hello beautiful spray was 1.99, john deere toys was 1.99 a piece, barney books was .10 a piece, wood and glass plate was .99 and the bag of perfume samples was .99 (you know I love a bag o random LOL).

The perfumes that was in the bag for .99. 

This is vintage jansport backpack from 1994 (there is a tag inside that says that) I got this at salvation army for 1.49. I bought it with the intentions for resell it but did not realize the straps were missing from the bag, not sure if anyone will want to buy it like that or not. 

Threw this in with this post because this is all I got at the semi annual sale this year. I really do not need any of this my collection is a little too much now but I couldn't help it. The 2 body mists was 3.62, the body wash was 3.12 and the lotion was 3.72. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Vacation Hobby Lobby Haul.... signs, signs and more signs

I'm sure if you have a hobby lobby near you, you know the great joy that going in there gives a person. I did a haul on my vintage blog of repro jadeite I found in there when I went to Tennessee. This is a grouping of items I got when we got back near my home. They had all wall decor for 50% off so I could not pass up these deals. It seems they are always running some kind of deal. 

This farmhouse sign was 10.99 regular price, I paid 5.49. In a craft store this would be every bit of $20 or more.. 

These galvanized metal farm animals were too cute to pass up, they were 4.99 regular price, I paid 2.49 a piece for them. Was excited to find them. 

I picked these up first thing when we got in the store, I love the grocery list one. The be grateful was 5.99, I paid 2.99, the grocery list was 4.99 so I paid 2.49 for it. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Vacation home decor haul.....

Here are a few items I picked up while on vac from some craft stores. I picked up so items from a few antique stores but those will be on my vintage blog. 

All of these items were $5 or under, I mean I am the economically thrifty mommy ;) 

These signs were bought at an Amish craft store, they were on 50% off clearance. The welcome one was $4.50 and the home one was $2.50.

The candle was from dollar general for $5.00 and the statue was from another Amish craft store and was 50% off at $5.00. I love finding awesome bargains!! 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

How Many Collections Can One Person Own???

     As usual it has been a while since I posted on this blog. No one, not one soul is surprised, not even me. To get back into the swing of things I thought it would be fun to do a post about how many collections I own. I always wonder how people can only have one collection or none at all. It boggles my mind cause I love all my collections and enjoy the thrill of the hunt for them. Of course most people probably think I'm crazy for having so many, like everything else in this world it just depends on the person. Are you ready to get started?? I don't know if you are...

-bath and body works
-victoria secrets body care
-dolls (mostly for my hobby of cleaning them up)
-coach purses (I have quite a few coach purses that's why they get their own spot)
-purses (I do have a lot of thrifted designer purses)
-willow tree figures
-pioneer woman items
-80's toys (these are mostly to sell on ebay)

     I also collect a lot of vintage items as well, since I have a vintage blog this is only my non vintage items. All of the items in my collections have been thrifted or bought on clearance, that's what makes me so happy about them. Did I mention I'm a bit of a hoarder? You couldn't tell, could ya?