Monday, May 4, 2020

Our Life With Autism.... Dolla Store Sensory Toys...

     Hello autism mommas!! I am here to do you a big favor!! I want to tell you all about my dolla store sensory toy finds, that will save you a lot of money cause these items are the same things you buy off of those expensive autism sites and you don't have to pay shipping! Now I will say that not all stores carry the same items but it never hurts to check them out. I know my stores do not carry these items at all times but when they do I snatch them up. Cause my little guy is destructive and he tears things up in a matter of days. So I like to have a stock pile to grab from.

These are slime/putty from the dollar tree. These are not runny they are more of a jelly, so these are perfect for my guy he can rip them apart and smash them hard and no mess! They do not stick to his clothing or sheets but I will say use caution, we have hard wood floors and leather couches. 

These are rubber/silicon squishes with water beads in side I think they light up too, I found these at the dollar general. They are marked $3 but I paid around 2.40 cause they were on sale. He loves to smash and squeeze these and pull the ones that have the strings. 

These are rubber squishes from the dollar tree (these are harder to find but I will say my son found out how to open these at the bottom and spills the water beads everywhere. but if your little doesn't know how that works these are great!) that have water beads in them. I have only seen these in my store one time but they may be back at some point. 

These are silicon squishes from dollar general (I really love dollar general for sensory toys, they have a good selection and the prices are great). The big monster was $3, the small puffers was $1 and the putty filled rubber ball was $1. The only thing I have found with these is they do deflate rather quickly but like I have said before farmer C (I do not use my kids names online) is very hard on toys. 

I wanted to throw these in too, I got these at walmart in the clearance isle for $3 a piece. Normally they are $9 or more, also got some foam squishes for $1 a while back and those are around $10 too. The reason I am sharing is because it is always a good idea to check clearance sections. 

I also wanted to share that you can find foam squishes at the dollar tree as well. I do not buy the foam ones anymore (I am using them up from stocking them around a year ago this is one from my stock cause I do not buy them from dollar tree unless my son is with me and sees them). The reasoning behind not purchasing is because farmer C tears them up within 5 min of getting them. Of course it is a sensory thing but if your littles are not destructive and love foam squishes DT is great!

Lastly are these small silicon squishes, farmer C loves these but they do not last very long cause they get dirty and pulled apart easily. But since he loves them so much and it takes a few days to destroy them I do order these off of amazon (we have prime but I am sure most people do) when they are on sale. You can find a pack of 20 for $7 or less usually, that makes each squish less then .50.