Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How To Get A 3 Year Old To Get His Hair Cut?...

It all starts out on June 2, 2009 at about 9 pm my son was born and he was beautiful but he didn't hardly have any hair (but that is what made him so cute) and it continued like that for almost 2 years.. Don't get me wrong he had a little bit but not enough to get it cut but close to his 2nd birthday it was getting pretty long and down in his face so that was the perfect time to get his 1st hair cut.. It did not go well at all he cried and cried it was awful so he did not get it cut for another 9 months (we tried in between that time but he was not having it) and by that time it was awfully long and in his eyes so my dad told me he would take us to his hair stylist to see if she could do anything with him.. So that time did not go any better than the first in fact my dad held him on his lap and everything it did not help but his hair grows so fast now if he doesn't go every 8 weeks he begins to look like a little girl.. So the third time he got is hair cut which was close to his 3rd birthday my dad's hair stylist (which is amazing) decided to take a different approach.. Since his birthday was going to be a chicka chicka boom boom party she used that to help her and made a coconut tree and some paper letters and we sang the song as she cut his hair and it worked!! The next time we went she did it again but this time he colored the letters and sang the song so this last time which was the other day we went in for the hair cut and she already had his tree ready.. When ever we pull in the parking lot he says "I gonna get my coconut tree" so in order to get his hair cut he has to have a coconut tree and letters to keep his mind off of it.. Just glad his hair stylist has the patients she does or he would never be able to get a hair cut..
Momma forgot the markers/crayons so we had to draw shapes and designs on the letters this time.. Oh and since this is going up on Halloween let me say hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Halloween from my family to yours!!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm Too Sick.....

A friend of mine that I have not seen for years was coming to visit us a few days ago she also has a little boy the same age as my son which is so neat (we did not plan it) so we were very excited to see each other and for the boys to meet!!! As my son and I were getting ready he came up to me and said "momma I wanna wear my pajamas" to which I said "baby you have to wear clothes we are going out" he then precided to tell me this "but momma I too sick to wear clothes" then he fake coughed twice.. While it was a good try he still had to wear clothes and once we got to the park to play he didn't even notice cause he was having so much fun.. Is 3 a little too early to be "faking" sick? I may have my work cut out for me in a few years...
I can't blame him they do look pretty comfy!!!
Especially the fleece ones.. Wish they would make them in my size...

Monday, October 29, 2012

I Gonna Be A Chef!!!..

My son has always had a love of "cooking" he "cooks" in the bath tub and now every time I make something he tells me "I can help you momma" which is really cute and if it doesn't involve heat I let him... Tonight he took it to another level while I was trying to give the dog her medicine for her ears (think she has had enough of it so now I have to chase/hold her down to do it) he got up on his chair that goes with his set at the stove (it was not on I had finished dinner but had not got to do the dishes because of trying to take care of the dog) and when I turned around he had put some potatoe wedges that were left and a WHOLE bottle of seasoning salt in the pan I had fried hamburgers in... I said "what are you doing" my son said "cookin momma" then I replied "well I think you used too much seasoning"... ***Side note while eating with my friend the other day he put his ice from his cup, salt, pepper and pieces of bread on his plate and told me it was soup so I should have seen this coming***
Doesn't this look so delicious? So now I have to go get some more seasoning salt from the store because my husband puts that s*** on every thing LOL!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cute and Thrifty 10/22/12-10/28/12.....

10/22/12-Mickey mouse layered shirt (walmart clearance 1.00), Genuine kids jeans (goodwill 2.00) and New Balance tennis shoes (goodwill 2.00) the whole outfit cost 5.00) now that really is cute and thrifty!!!
10/23/12-Gap fleece hoodie (yard sale 3.00), Gymboree fleece pants (yard sale 2.00) also has on a stripe shirt underneath his hoodie (it was given to us) and his Crazy 8 navy shoes (consignment sale 2.00) so the whole outfit cost 7.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!! I put him in a comfy outfit since we had to take Annabelle to the vet that is why he has a leash in his hand haha...
10/25/12-Baby gap t-shirt grey with faded motorcycle graphic (once upon a child 3.50), childrens place jeans classic fit (goodwill 2.00) and new balance tennis shoes (yard sale new in box 5.00) so the cost for the whole outfit was 10.50 now that is cute and thrifty!!
10/26/12-Crazy 8 mom rocks shirt (consignment sale 2.00), Baby gap grey cargo pants (consignment sale 6.00) and New balance tennis shoes (yard sale 5.00) the whole outfit cost 13.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!
10/27/12-Greendog grey/navy blue stripe jacket (consignment sale new with tag 4.50), Baby gap jeans (consignment sale 4.50), Baby gap t-shirt under sweater (once upon a child 3.50) and grey Converse (yard sale .50) whole outfit cost 13.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!
10/28/12-Carhartt layered shirt (magic mart 4.99), osh kosh olive green cargo pants (once upon a child new with tag 5.50) and childrens place brown boots (yard sale .50) so the whole outfit cost 10.99 now that is cute and thrifty!!
He also wore this hoodie today and it was free (can't get any better than that) when my husband bought his new boots!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A 3 Year Olds Grocery Shopping List.....

Had to do the worst chore of them all today.. Go get groceries there are alot of people that love to go grocery shopping I am not one of them.. So when I started making out my list I asked my son what he thought we should get at the store here was his response "puppy game" (this means a leap frog game of some kind this did not happen but at least he tried), "wectangle noodles" (these are the lipton butter noodles), "water" (my kid LOVES water now for some reason I am not complaining), "mik", "juice" and "animal cwackers" (can't forget those).. I said that is it what are momma and daddy supposed to eat he just left the room, well guess that means we better fend for our selves..
This was the start of my list and yes I wrote everything he told me down and we got everything but the puppy game (he just got one and he will be getting another one for christmas) I don't think he minded too much he was busy eating his animal cwakers..

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

40% Off Consignment Haul 10/19/12....

Thought I was going to the half off day for the consignment sale but got my days wrong so it was the 40% off day the sale is about an hour away from my house so I was not leaving and coming back another day and I still got some great deals so does it really matter...
I wanted button up shirts and I got them these are Janie and Jack white blue 2.25 and Faded Glory cream green 1.80..
Both of these are Old Navy one is blue stipes 2.25 the other is black and red 3.00..
Baby Gap light blue 3.00 and George white, khaki and blue stripe 1.80..
Now we are getting into the sweaters Cherokee argyle new with tag 3.00 and Childrens Place looks like it was never worn 1.80..
Navy blue Baby Gap hooded sweater 3.00 I also found a couple more pairs of pj's Nick and Nora sock monkey 1.20 and Disney tigger 1.50..
I had a little luck with the shoes this time the never worn white Baby Gap (these are for next summer) 3.00, Circo navy blue 1.80 and brown converse all stars (you know I love those and they are for next year) 2.10.. All of the prices are after the discount and I got my son a few thomas toys of course but sorry no pic they are for the car so that is where they are it was a book with sticker 2.70, a portable thomas with track 2.00 and a thomas candy pail 1.80 (he loves to put things in it and carry them around).. I spent 39.80 after taxes this trip so that puts me at 108.00 even for everything I bought at this sale and if you have read both posts you know I got alot so I am happy with it...
Snuck some Goodwill in on you.. I went there the other day and found a few good deals so thought I would just share them in this post since it was all for my son anyways (big surprise huh).. We got 2 pairs of Old Navy pj's for 2.00 a pair, elmo see and say for .55, a fisher price phone that teaches stuff (it is a baby toy but he loved it and this thing sells for I think 10.99 in the store right now so if he doesn't play with it long I can always resell it) for .55 and the best purchase it is a rabbit with plays hide and seek with your child (read my 1-2-3 you can't find my post) this thing was like 49.99 in stores I got the bunny for 1.55 and the carrot remote (your child carries that with them so the bunny can find them) for .55 so all together 2.10 not bad I was really excited about that find!!! This will be last haul blog for a while (I think LOL)...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Great Flea War Of 2012....

Ok well if you have a dog than you know this year has been the worst when it comes to FLEAS!!!! I have had my dog for almost 9 years and she has never had a flea problem until this year... She has always had allergies so when the season's change we have to give her baths with an oatmeal shampoo so when she started scratching I assumed it was her allergies acting up boy was I wrong.. Went to give her a bath and the fleas were just rolling off of her my poor baby I felt so bad she must have been miserable... So of course we got flea shampoo and spray and thought well this will do the trick, not so much it wasn't a week later she was scratching AGAIN and now they are finding their way around the house we have found some here and there (thank goodness my hubby had taken our carpet out) we have tried all of the home remedies too like the lemon dish soap and pine sol I don't think they work but other people have had luck with them.. So now she has an appointment with the vet to get her some medicine and I might add she has not been to the vet since before I was pregnant so that is a good 4 years, wish me luck I am thinking it is not going to go so well I will have to let you know... So that is the reason my cute and thrifty wasn't up on Sunday I was fighting the good fight hope it is super cold this winter and kills all of those nasty bugs my friend had a problem in the summer with them now I am feeling her pain it is not fun especially when you have a little one running around.. I swear though my husband is worse than my son about this issue he thinks they are all over him and I have seen maybe 3 on me over the span of 4 days why do men always over react while women take it in stride? He is the one with all the crazy home remedies I am like "where on earth are you getting this stuff" and he says "the internet" of course cause if it is on there it MUST be true.....
This is my baby girl with her sweet little face how could those fleas do that to her... She is my second baby (I have a chinchilla who will be 11 soon) I adopted her she is a mix breed and she has been my best friend for almost 9 years don't know what I would do with out her... ***Update we survived the vet but our bank account may not.. She did great and everything looks good she got all of her medicine and hopefully will not have to go back until she needs another shot.. Just glad she is in good health we all love her so much!!!!***

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cute and Thrifty 10/15/12-10/21/12......

Sorry!!!! Usually have this up on Sunday but we have been fighting a flea war.... More on that in the next post if you are interested... Now on with the cute and thrifty outfit of the day for the week of 10/15/12-10/21/12..
10/18/12-Baby gap layered shirt (clearance 5.99), Baby gap jeans very worn but still cute (consignment sale 3.00) and grey New Balance tennis shoes (goodwill 2.00) so his whole outfit cost 10.99 all together now that is cute and thrifty!!
10/19/12-Great pumpkin shirt (ebay 10.00 a little more expensive but it was his pumpkin patch shirt), Childrens place carpenter jeans (once upon a child 5.50) and of course his grey converse all-stars (yard sale .50) so the whole outfit cost 16.00 a little more expensive but is was his pumpkin patch outfit and was still cute and thrifty!!!
10/20/12-Cherokee striped hooded sweater (goodwill 2.00), Crazy 8 khaki pants with guitars embroidered on them (once upon a child 5.50) and his Cherokee boots (goodwill new with tag 4.79) (he also had a white shirt under his sweater it cost maybe $1 it came in a pack of 6) so his whole outfit cost 13.29 now that is cute and thrifty!!!
10/21/12-Gymboree sweater with airplanes embroidered on it (consignment sale 5.00), Baby Gap jeans very worn but soo cute (consignment sale 2.50) and his Cherokee boots these are going to be a fav this winter I can already see it haha (goodwill new with tag 4.79) so the whole outfit was 12.29 now that really is cute and thrifty I love this outfit on him... Sorry about the lighting in the pic my camera I use for this is not that great...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Is This A Haul Blog???......

Sorry I have had a bunch of haul blogs here lately, what can I say it is consignment time!!! I will be getting back to my regular blog post in a few days yes we have one more haul blog for you (went to the 40% off sale yesterday) then after that maybe one a week or so if I find anything good at goodwill cause yard sale season is ending soon so won't have very many more of those.. Been really busy the last couple of days took my son to the pumpkin patch, spent time with family and went to a craft show and fall festival that is why I have not posted in a couple of days I might start posting every other or couple of days cause we don't lead very interesting lives and it is hard to post something everyday I tried and almost posted everyday for a whole month!!! So since I have been MIA for a couple of days I give you 2 blogs today and be on the look out for cute and thrifty, 40% haul for consignment sale and a crafty corner!!! Just so this is not a point less blog here is a little snippet from yesterday on the way home from the pumpkin patch.. I went with a friend of mine and she has 2 kids a girl 4 and boy almost 2 and they love to pray and on the way home the little boy wanted to pray and his sister was helping him, she did something funny to him and he laughed she looked at him and said "we don't laugh at Jesus" that made my day kids say the darndest things sometimes..

It's A Clothing Haul With A Dash Of Momma.....

You are probably used to my posts about my son's clothing (yes I know he has way too much but everything is so cute) but I actually have a couple of things for me thrown in there.. These items were collected for about a week from yard sales, goodwill and magic mart to make a good sized blog hope you enjoy!!
Got these two shirts at magic mart for 4.99 a piece these are normally 14.00 or more so I couldn't pass them up!!
Went to the goodwill and found these cute crazy 8 brown pants with tan pin stripe (great for the holidays) 2.00 and a childrens place green/grey stripe sweater 2.00..
Also picked these up the same day for next summer childrens place white/blue shirt (looks brand new) 2.00, old navy button up shirt 2.00 and old navy denim shorts 2.00..
Got this at a yard sale it is a Kim by Kim Rogers brand (believe this line is at belk)it is a black cardigan with button detail at the top and it was new with tag and I got it for 3.00 the original tag said it retailed for 42.00 what a deal!!!
This was from the same yard sale and it is the same brand as well it is a really pretty red with floral detail (it looks like lace) it was new without tag and I got it for 2.00!!! Super happy I found these two items also got 2 new curling irons for 1.00 a piece, a trash can for my laundry room 2.00, a couple of shirts to lounge in for .50 a piece and 2 dr. suess books (I pick them up when ever we find them so he can have the whole set eventually) for 1.00 a piece.. I hate yard sales are ending soon cause we have had a lot of luck at them this year but I can always go to the goodwill!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

To Library or Not To Library?....

My library has a story time every wed. for little children they read a book or two and do a craft sounds perfect right? Well it is unless you have a child like mine then it is a question in your head, you want to take your child to do fun things but your idea of fun and his are totally different.. When he thinks library it is a place were there are lots of fun books to pull off the shelf and run around with while talking very loudly to you it is setting in the reading circle listening and not annoying every person in the room.. When your child thinks park they think open space to run as far away as possible to you it is swinging, sliding and playing in sand not running a marathon you are clearly not in shape for.. When your child thinks play date it means going to someone else's house where they tear out every toy and pieces that go with them while stomping crackers and cookies in there new carpet to you it is a nice relaxing time to catch up on the latest goss. I mean news not tripping over the end table to get to your child before they pick up the most expensive thing in the house and drop it.. So as you can see your idea of fun and their idea is a little off, now should I try and deal with the embarassment? The answer of course is yes it never hurts to try and if the librarian doesn't like it or the other park parents or if you have no friends well that is just life with a child and if they have one then they should know....
This is one of my son's library art pieces he is very talented I just helped with the glue he put everything where he wanted it and actually he did the glue where the glitter "rain" is.. He had a lot of fun doing it he did pretty good just wish he would sit down the through the whole story gotta give him a little credit though... Check your local library out they may have something similar and it's free and super fun!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall/Winter Consignment Haul 10/12/12!!!!.....

Went to my consignment pre-sale on october 12th spent 67.00 and got quite a few things.. I made a list before the sale and found most of the things on it and few not on it.. I did take my son as mentioned in a previous post and he did very well.. Now on to the haul!!!
Told myself I did not need to get any graphic shirts buuuttt as you can see we still got a few... Mustang shirt 1.00, gymboree mom shirt 2.00 and crazy 8 mom rocks 2.00 as you can see I had to get them!!
Only found 1 pair of pj's (wanted a few more but that is ok) carters 2.00 and wonderkids sweatshirt 3.00..
He needed some button up shirts only found two and then found a sweater vest to go with the one.. red, blue and tan button up shirt osh kosh 3.00, gymboree sweater vest 3.00 and legends black white button up shirt 2.00..
Wanted sweaters also found a couple I thought was really cute red with navy airplanes gymboree 4.00 and new with tag greendog navy blue and grey 4.50..
My son has a lot of jeans but I really wanted some baby gap ones got lucky and found these all are baby gap the dark pair was 4.50 (they look brand new), red patch pair 2.50 and the last pair are very worn in and cute they were 3.00..
He needed some grey and navy blue pants both pairs are baby gap the grey ones were 6.00, the navy blue was 4.00 and the grey in the middle are garanimals and they were 1.00 (just got these because they looked super comfy and were only 1.00)..
Last but not least my son's fav things were the other items I picked up.. 5 thomas the train movies they were 2.00 a piece, a rocket (from little enstiens) that turns into a guitar 2.00, thomas and james pull and go trains 1.00 a piece and an alphabet thomas puzzle still in the box for 1.50!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Thank You For My Chicken Nuggets Momma...

It's the little things in life that make it so much fun today we had to go grocery shopping and sometimes my son wants some chicken nuggets which are actually popcorn chicken and at walmart they give out samples so we headed to the back and got one.. As we are walking around getting our groceries my son says "tank you for my chickn nugget momma" then reached over and hugs me, he can be the sweetest little thing sometimes.. That made my shopping experience even better and I must say he did really good and never threw one fit while we were in the store so all in all it was a great day!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Cute And Thrifty Outfit Of The Day-10/08/12-10/14/12...

10/10/12-Baby Gap hooded sweatshirt with rock star on the front (once upon a child 4.50), Wonderkids jeans (k-mart clearance 1.99) and black converse all-stars (goodwill 1.50) total for whole outfit is 7.99 now that is cute and thrifty!!
10/11/12-Faded glory shirt most eligable bachelor (walmart clearance 1.00), Baby gap jacket put it in cause he did wear it alot (goodwill 2.00), childrens place carpenter jeans (once upon a child 5.50) and his black converse all-stars (goodwill 1.50) so the total for whole outfit is 10.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!
10/12/12-This was his consignment sale outfit so I wanted him to be comfortable his shirt is baby gap with construction equipment (baby gap clearance 8.99 more than I normally pay but it was too cute don't you think?), baby gap wind breaker pants (goodwill 2.00), and crazy 8 navy dinosaur tennis shoes (consignment sale 2.00) so the whole outfit cost 12.99 (a little more than normal because of the shirt)but it is still cute and thrifty!!
10/13/12-circo tiger cool dude shirt (yard sale 1.00), old navy tiger (guess that was my motif for the day) jeans (once upon a child 5.50) and of course his converse black all-stars (goodwill 1.50) so the whole outfit cost 8.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!
Those were his outfit of the days for this week and I see a reaccuring pattern with the black converse all-stars he has a million pairs of shoes hopefully I will give the other ones a chance not making any promises on that though... Be on the look out for my consignment blog it will be a good one!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I Am Not Going MIA Again.....

Just a little note to let you know that I am not falling off of the wagon and going MIA again like I usually do... We have just been very busy the last 2 days yesterday I had to run errands and go to the consignment pre-sale you know the one I consigned in, and YES my son came with me to the sale and we both made it out alive if you can believe it he was actually a little angel even in the one and a half (yes you read that correctly) wait to check out.. He did very good until the end he was getting tired it was 10:20 pm (yes you also read that correctly) the sale was from 6pm to 9pm and with the wait to check out you can do the math but we were in the line before 9 but that is not the point he did very good and I thought it was going to be the titanic of all shopping trips.. See that is a good example of think the worst so you won't be disappointed what a way to think huh? Also we did very good on our first consignment pre-sale but that is another blog post.. Then today we spent some time with my mom and grandmother, we went to a craft show and did a few other things.. So needless to say we are wore out so I am going to keep this post short and sweet just wanted to check in so it wouldn't be another month before you seen a blog post from me.. Be on the look out for cute and thrifty outfit of the day for the week, a yard sale haul (maybe? it might be named something else) and of course the CONSIGNMENT PRE-SALE haul blogs!!!! Alot of excitement coming up for you stay tuned!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all!!!!......

It is my favorite time of the year I love fall and then it leads into winter/christmas time something about this time of year just makes me giddy... I LOVE to decorate outside for fall just love the colors and the feel of it.. So thought I would do a blog showing my outside decor.. Hope you enjoy and if you are really good I just may show you my Christmas decor (bet you can't wait for that)...
First off is a pic of my "scene" by my front porch.. It is a very old wooden wagon (it may not have another year left after this it is starting to fall apart hopefully the hubby will fix it for me cause I love it so much)with an old bussel basket, pumpkins, gourds, signs, a scarecrow and of course a wooden crow!!
Closer look at top of wagon..
This is going up my porch steps it is different colored pumpkins with my son's at the top..
Next is my porch in front of my window I have an old chair with a happy fall sign and a mum, then a wooden pumpkin and scarecrow..
Then hanging on my porch I have a huge wooden scarecrow, and wooden pumpkin that says autumn...
This is an old chair I have at the end of my "flower bed" (as you can see there are no flowers just the chair with shovel but anyways I have an old basket with gourds in it and a punkins sign in it...
This is a closer look at the basket on the chair.. I love decorating for fall hope you enjoyed and it gives you some ideas for your own decor (even though I put it up in the middle of oct. not much longer to enjoy them)....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Little Bit Vintage And A Little Bit Retro.....

Sometimes it feels like I should have been born in a different era anywhere between the 30's to the early 60's it is just something about that time period.. I am obsessed with anything vintage/retro you should see my house my kitchen is vintage utensils and food containers with crows and sheep mixed in, even started putting somethings in my son's room on a shelf.. Before my son was born we lived in a rental home and it was a bit bigger than the house we have now (at least this house will be ours some day) but I did love that bigger house and boy did I decorate that thing (I decorate now too it is jut back then that is all I had to do besides work) the kitchen was the same as now but with less crows and sheep, I had a bathroom that was just vintage medicine bottles and health and beauty items and of course my bedroom was decorated in vintage dolls and toys which was my true passion (but my house I have now the bedroom is just too small so they are packed away for now) I loved that room, even in my living room I had a curio that had vintage items in it.. Don't get me wrong I don't wear clothes or do my makeup like they did back then (wish I could) but I love to decorate like that.. People have their things well this is mine and I like to carry it over into the holidays as well wish I could decorate for every holiday like halloween, thanksgiving, valentines day, st. patricks day, easter and 4th of July all vintage somewhere in my house but all I can do right now is Christmas so I have been looking at old ornaments and pics online to get some ideas, be on the look out I will do a blog post at the begining of December once I have finished decorating.. I am so excited!!!!
Here are a few examples of my vintage/retro finds that I have gotten over the summer at yard sales and goodwill..
The cat with the shirt on was .75 the other 3 were .10 a piece, the dollies were .25 a piece and the porcelin shoe was .75..
The bags of ornaments were .55 a piece, box of crayons was .25, dollies .25 a piece (am a sucker for dollies this is just an example I have a lot more), milk glass dish 1.00, ornaments in dish 1.00 a piece, small wooden train .50 got a few things for my christmas decor and then just some nick nacks for my bedroom...
This is a pic of the shelf in my son's room the train book ends were 2.00 at a yard sale (the books are from his grandma's they are special so I put them up) the little matchbox car I found in a bag of toys from the goodwill and found out it was from 1960 (the whole bag only cost 2.95 and it was full of stuff) and then on each side of the shelf are the items I found last weekend that are in the post yard sale and flea market finds...