Saturday, June 13, 2015

My new hobby......

     I have always liked to go thrifting it just makes me happy. A few months ago I had an idea to start selling some of my finds on ebay. Now do not think I am trying to make a living doing that because that is not the case. It helps me to keep up my thrifting hobby, see I do not use money out of our checking account for my thrift trips I only use money I have made. So if I have no money I do not go thrifting, I also sell things on my local yard sale page but not a lot of my thrifted items, mostly my children's old toys or clothes. What got me started on ebay was finding a box of the fisher price play food at the goodwill it was 3.95 by the time I sold everything my profit was around $40, not bad for a $4 investment. Around the same time I also found a new in package set of sky dancer hair clips from 1995 they cost me .55 after shipping and fees I made $45! Of course because of that I caught the bug and I love looking for my treasures every week.
     It becomes a game for me to see what I can find for the week, since I don't have a smart phone I have to depend on my research and gut to find my items, a lot of the time I am right but sometimes they are duds. For example this week I found some vintage mcnugget kids meal toys, a topper dawn angie doll and a polly pocket compact all for 1.60! I should be able to make a profit of around $20 for those items alone. That is what makes it so fun and addicting I also find things for my children too and this helps to pay for that also. Yard sale season has just started so I am going to try my hand at getting items are yard sales the last few months I had only been finding them at thrift stores. Today I found 2 monster high dolls for .50 a piece with all their clothing and shoes hoping those will be a good find for me, also found a couple more items but those are my best I think.
     I call what I do thrifting but some people call it "picking" not sure if that is what I do since it is more fun and hobby for me not a job. Anyways my favorite place to "pick" is the salvation army in my town. They have the best prices and a lot of the time they have more vintage items than the goodwill. An example of this is about 3 months ago I went in and was looking at the toys for my kids and found some original 80's transformers! They have issues but still they only cost my .25 a piece so I will make some kind of profit from them. I found quite a few other items from the 80's the next couple of weeks (some lady must have cleaned her son's old toys from her attic or garage and donated them). I have not listed any of these items because of doing the research for them but have gotten that taken care of and am ready to take pics and get these guys listed.
     I may do a monthly recap of what my profits are on here if I can actually keep up with everything, but it is summer time so it should be easier to find time. I hope to be able to still go thrifting this summer it was so easy during the school year because 5 days a week I was taking my son to school so one day it was going to the goodwill then another it was going to the salvation army. Now that he isn't in school we will have to make time to do it plus he will be with me so it will make it harder but I plan to get threw it cause I do enjoy it so much! And like I said every stay at home mom needs something they enjoy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Time..... For kids..... Adults there is a difference......

      Time is a funny thing when you are on child time it seems to go by so slow, but when you are on adult time you can't even blink and a day has gone by. When you are a kid it seems to take an eternity for school to end, your birthday and Christmas to come. When you are an adult school (for your kids) goes faster than taking a breath, you dont want your birthday to come and Christmas is here faster than it takes Santa to open his sack. 
      As a very good example my last blog post was on January 19th it is now June 10th almost exactly 6 months. What exactly have I been doing in that six months, well just living my life that is flying by before my eyes.  When you say 6 months it seems like along time but when you are living it, not so much. On January 30th I had my baby boys 1st birthday party it seems like we just planned that and almost 1 week ago we celebrated our oldest 6th birthday (which is June 2nd) and all I can say is where does the time go? I really can't answer that because I am not sure myself. My house doesn't get cleaned, my clothes stay piled, my car looks a mess but yet I am still exhausted. What on earth am I doing.. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and that letter is still laying in a random spot in my house. Time is a funny thing.........
     Yesterday was my son's last day of kindergarten, he actually made it through the school year which I was very happy about and he did very good once he moved schools but it is still crazy for me to think he has gotten through his first year of school. Of course to me it seems like yesterday that I was in school but that was *gasp* 16 years ago, WHAT, wow I am getting old. On child time when I was in school it seemed to take 10 years to get to that summer vacation and then I had to wait another 10 years for Christmas. My son has 8 weeks then it is back to school and 1st grade and it does sound like a long time but we all now in adult time it is not, then it will be fall/halloween/thanksgiving, then winter/christmas. My baby will be 2 then my son will be out of school again he will turn 7 then go back for 2nd grade, my gosh can I go back to child time please at this rate my babies are going to be grown before I can breathe in and exhale.
       Hopefully I can get back to posting on here but we shall see how adult time treats me if not I will check in, in another 6 months or so to see how everything has been..