Friday, September 27, 2013

Thrifty Thursday.. 09/19/13-09/26/13...

Goodwill items/yard sale items.. Halo sleep sack 1.00 (goodwill), 3 pommes romper 1.00 (goodwill), blankets .25 a piece (yard sale) and formula dispenser .55 (goodwill)..

Kmart clearance/ebay.. Aden by aden and anais swaddle blankets-lifes a hoot 21.49 (ebay), polo shirt outfit 4.67 (kmart), rock star out fit 2.86 (kmart)..

50% off consignment sale haul (this is not the big one I consign at just a littler one that is around my area).. 6 pack of socks 2.25, 2 pack sock .50, monkey hat 1.25, plush beige crib sheet 1.50, blue plush crib sheet 1.50, 3 pack receiving blankets 1.50 and 2 pack receiving blanket 1.00.. 

Crazy 8 dog shirt and jeans 3.50, brown/blue strip hoodie 1.75, navy blue gap pants 1.25, carters blue pants with shoes on feet/white gap pants 1.75, carters monkey pants/dog print pants 1.75..

Carters elephant layette-shirt-pants-hat-blanket 4.25, carters elephant sleeper 3.00 and carters duck outfit 1.50..

Carters bear sleeper 1.25, gap sleeper 1.50, gymboree dog sleeper 1.50 and carters dino sleeper .50..

All together at the consignment sale I spent 34.56 not bad for everything I got.. My older son did not need anything but of course I still looked for him too but it was so picked over I couldnt find anything.. Going to this sale made me really excited about the bigger one coming up in a few weeks so be looking for that post I am sure it will be alot!! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Consignment Sale Time... Getting Ready For The Sale!!!... Selling...

    Since it is consignment time thought I would do a series of blogs on how I get ready for them (selling/buying) some one may find these helpful.. So the first one is going to be about getting your items ready to sell..    
     First thing I do is get my supplies ready some were left over from last season's sale some I had to buy but will tell you were they all came from.. This is just what I use other people may use different items this is just to give you an idea.. Hangers you can use wire ones, childrens or like I have done keep the ones from previous sales or when you buy new clothes in the store, sticker paper for your tags (walmart 4.44), rubber bands for keeping shoes or toys parts together (dollar tree 1.00), saftey pins for attaching price tags or clothing items together (dollar tree 1.00), index cards (walmart .48), sharpie marker to write your descriptions (walmart .98 or dollar tree 1.00) and different size baggies to hold toys together or items that have multiple pieces (dollar tree 1.00)..
     After I have all of my supplies together I sit down and go through my son's clothing, shoes, toys and dvds.. I separate his clothing into piles name brand, store brand, donate and throw away I usually only put name brand clothing in the sale because store brand does not sell as well.. Some of the store brand clothing I keep for yard sales the rest is donated and if there is any that has stains or holes they are thrown away.. I do the same with his shoes name brand goes to the sale, store brand is either yard sale or donated and if they have scuffs or anything really wrong with them they are trashed.. I usually put most of his toys up to go in the yard sale cause it is just easier but if it is a toy I want a little more for I make sure it has all of its parts/pieces it is cleaned/sanitized and bagged for sale.. If he has any dvds he is not into anymore I check them for excessive scratches, make sure they play and that they have their case and cover art..
     Then it is time to prep them for the sale with the clothing I just lent roll them (I have a dog) and hang them on the hangers usually I try to put them in outfits or bundle same brand clothing together it is easier since I have so much for me to do it that way.. The shoes are cleaned with a magic eraser then tied together (I use rubber band for that cause it is easier if they need to be tried on).. After the toys are cleaned/sanitized if they have multiple parts or pieces they are bagged to keep everything together.. Dvds are also put in bags (so people cant open them and take out the movies)..
     It is now tagging time first I go through and write down all of the prices on my items (usually do it in groups clothing, shoes, toys) then I go to my events website and print out the bar codes.. First I cut index cards in half and write the size and a brief description then put a bar code for the price on it.. With clothes I just pin it on the collar of shirts or the waist band of pants, shoes I just stick the bar code in the shoe (write the size of shoe on the bar code) and with toys and dvds I just stick the bar code to the bag and write a description on the bag..
     After all of this has been done I take them to the designated drop off location and let the volunteers do the rest.. It is a lot of work to do one of these sales but most of the time I make enough to cover what I purchase with a little left over so it is a pretty good deal.. When you are a consigner you get to go in the day before the public does so you can find better deals if you volunteer (which is impossible for me my sale is over an hour away) you can go in before the consigners which would be even better!! I have a sale coming up in a few weeks and I am very excited about it since we just found out what we are having pretty much every thing else I need will have to be bought at this sale because yard sales are dieing down and I don't know how much longer they will last..

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thrifty Thursday!!!... 09/12/13-09/18/13...

Kmart clearance items.. Bear sleeper 3.23, rookie sleeper 3.23, monster short set 3.53, monkey onesie 1.79, alligator onesie 1.79 and dalmation hat/booties 2.99.. 

Peebles sale items.. Carters fire truck sleeper 6.50, carters dog sleeper 6.50, tow truck outfit 7.50, carters little brother onesie 4.50, john deere onesie/sock set 7.50 and carters monkey layette (sleeper, onesie, pants and hat ) 11.50.. 

Paid $7 for all of these boy clothes on the facebook yard sale page..

Kmart clearance items.. Skull tank set 2.87, bug tank set 2.87, button up shirt with short set 4.47 and alligator short set 3.33..

JJ cole bundle me got for 9.87 off of ebay..

Evenflo baby carrier got off of yard sale page for 6.00..

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thrifty Thursday!!... 09/04/13-09/11/13

Walmart clearance.. Faded glory rompers 2.00 a piece (as you can tell I have a strong feeling it is a girl, um hope I don't get a big surprise lol)(as you can tell these were purchased before we knew the truth and I did get a surprise lol, but as of know these have been returned to the store), plaid stripe shorts 2.00 a pair, cotton shorts 1.50 and car shirt 1.50 (so glad to find these clothes for next summer!!).. 

Goodwill items.. New in box play doh set 1.55, keens sandals 2.00 (these are in excellent shape was excited to find them), child of mine christmas pjs 2.00, old navy maternity pants 4.00 and new with tag fisher price sandals (kmart sells them) 2.00..

Goodwill/Yard sale page items.. Halo sleep sac 1.00 (goodwill), car canopy 5.00 (yard sale page, was going to get one of these anyways so I saved myself 8.00), ball 1.00 (goodwill, lights up), osh kosh sandals 2.00 (goodwill, never worn) and duck blanket 1.00 (goodwill)..

Kmart clearance items.. Bug sleeper with hat 4.00, packs of sleepers 2.90 a pack, mickey mouse onesies 2.90 a pack..

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pregnancy Updates... Weeks 14-20... +GENDER REVEAL!!!!!!.....

I haven't done a pregnancy update in a while sorry about that but baby and I are fine... Not much has changed in the past 6 weeks I still get nauseus and my stomach still hurts every not and then (I have stepped down to not taking any zantac or only 1 a day).. I don't really have a "baby bump" (I was plus size to begin with so there you have it) which does make me sad but what can I do about it now.. Being on the subject of being plus size I may have felt the baby move between 17-18 weeks but can't be for sure because of my veluptuiousness..  I still have cravings (this week for instance it is the taco salad from wendys I LOVE THOSE SALADS!!! ) and of course aversions (like hot pockets, I just threw up a little after writing that)..  We have started work on the baby's nursery, it is coming along slowly but hey we still have 20 weeks (I am saying that like it is a long time which it is not especially since it is the 1st of Sept. where has the year gone!!!).. My son still wants a baby "sissor" and on that note since I am on week 20 you know what that means.... GENDER REVEAL!!!!! Drum roll........

Yes that means we are having another boy!! I was completely shocked the whole time we were thinking it was going to be a girl, because this pregnancy is 360 degrees different than my sons was.. My son is still getting used to the idea in fact when I had him call my mom to tell her he told her it was a baby sissor, oh well he will get used to the idea sooner or later LOL.. One of many good things about it being a boy is he will be set on clothes once he gets to 3 haha (that is because I got rid of my son's clothing up until last season because we weren't going to have any more but changed our minds).. Now that we finally know it is crunch time have to pick up clothes and a few more other things to finish up and we only have 20 weeks to do it (in this 20 weeks we have fall activities, halloween, thanksgiving and don't forget christmas we are going to be busy).. Good thing when I bought all the bigger items I got them in gender neutral or we might be in trouble.. I have had another cold/allergy problem this week so it is back to no breathing and coughing so bad I can't sleep, but on the bright side these last few days I have been feeling the baby moving like crazy (guess he has gotten past the veluptuiousness haha)!! So not a lot has changed the past 6 weeks but we now know that we are having a boy and everything looks great he is healthy and growing like he should!! I will try to keep up with the updates and not make you wait another 6 weeks for one..

Sunday, September 8, 2013

There Comes A Day....

       In every mother's life there comes a day when you have to send your little baby off to school.. While some wait until they are 5 and have to go some like me go ahead and send them to a pre-school/nursery school (bad mommy, that is how I sort of feel).. It really isn't that bad at all he only goes 2 days a week for 3 hours a day (tell that to my husband he acted like I was sending him to high school) I just wanted him to get an idea of how school was going to be, how cruel to send him in to war without some kind of training.. It is just my son and I all the time he needed to be around other kids and understand what structure is (if I even ask him to wipe his face off he goes crazy) and he needed to learn that when a teacher says something you do it.. Plus I figured he would love it, since he is in love with numbers, letters well anything that has to do with education.. Of course I was right, the day of his open house came and he didn't want to leave..
        As the first day of school approached I knew it was going to be and emotional roller coaster, I mean my baby was going to school and I am 5 months pregnant you put 2+2 togther.. The morning started out great we got up ate breakfast got ready (hey i'm doing a lot better than I thought) half way to his school just minding my own business then BAM tears start rolling down my face.. What is going on I wasn't even thinking about him in school I was thinking about going to the grocery store.. Then we pull in to the parking lot by now I look like lady gaga with my make up half way down my face, I am trying to get myself together but just can't,+ then out of nowhere I hear my grandmas voice.. Oh crap the tears won't stop now and of course I make her cry which in turn makes me cry even more if that is possible the whole time my son is saying "momma I wanna go inside de scwhool" to which I reply "I know baby" I am just trying to gather myself together so I don't look like an idiot.. Well I get myself calm enough to get in the door, get his backpack off, sign him in (in this time he has already ran into the classroom, crap no pics for momma and no goodbye) of course I forgot to put his name tag on so I had to go in and find him.. When he sees me I guess he thought oh no this lady is taking my home again so he takes off running I finally wrangle him down get his tag on go to take a pic and he is gone, so you know what happens next I COMPLETELY LOOSE IT.. It is so bad one of the teachers comes over and gives me a hug telling me it will be ok, my not wanting to look like an idiot has went right out the window.. So I am high tailing it out of there but first lets stop by the bathroom for some more tissues and to get a look at the horror show I call my face.. As I am trying to make the great escape I am spotted by another mother who is not crying, I am going to take this time and let you know NONE of the other mothers were crying which made me feel even more crazy town than I had (later on I found it most of them cried in their cars, good for them to have enough strength to hold it in, or maybe they just aren't pregnant) and of course she was trying to make me feel better but what was going to make me feel better was getting to my car and get my crying out.. Finally made it to my car but once there I still cried for 30 MIN. it would not stop for anything and of course I decided to do all my errands that day since my son wasn't with me, real smart idea wonder what all the people thought of me that day..
     In the middle of running my errands I decided to call and check up on him, to make sure he was ok.. When I call one of the teachers inform me he was a little whinny but ok now that he was eating snack and about to go outside.. Oh great what was he whinning about? Did he not get his way? Was someone being mean to him? Did he not like the snack (he is uber picky about food)? So of course I was a wreck for the rest of the morning.. Then the time came to pick him up from school I got there 10 min. early which was a mistake because they were 5 min. late letting them out and by then I was so hot it felt like I was dripping sweat (you have to wait in a hallway with about 20 other parents so it gets a little hot) good thing my makeup was gone from crying for 1 hour straight that morning.. They called his name it took a while for him to come out and in my head I thought great he doesn't want to leave but soon as he came out the door he ran to me and was so excited to see me.. He showed me his crown he made, his picture and that he got a stamp for being good that day.. As we were leaving he said "momma I whinned a little today" I said "why bubz (that is one of his many nick names)" he said "because I missed you momma" not going to lie my heart melted it made me so happy because that morning I thought he could care less about me those few little words made all the tears worth it that day.. He then told me how much fun he had that he played with the teachers and kids, they sang and painted.. He had a lot of fun and that is all that really matters if he decided later on he doesnt like it I won't make him go but he seems to really like it now and even though I hate to admit it those few hours to myself are nice.. The next day he went it wasn't so bad the best part was I didn't cry of course he still didn't tell me bye, but that is ok cause I know he missed me..

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thrifty Thursday... 08/22/13-09/03/13...

Found this little jem at my local goodwill today it is a skip hop duo diaper bag in cherry blossom print.. Now of course mine has some wear on it but for $3 when they are regularly $40-$60 I will take it!! 

Goodwill trip/walmart clearance.. Fisher price luv u zoo 2 in 1 tommy timmer .55 (looks new, goodwill), Bright stars caterpillar teether 2.00, garanimals frog/monkey teether 1.00 a piece, diamond ring rattle 3.00, cupcake teethers 1.50, garanimals fruit teethers 2.50, bright starts wrist rattles 3.00, purse teether 2.50, newborn onesie 1.00, mater towel .50, 2 jake the pirate tooth brush .50 a piece all of these items from walmart and new in pack teethers .55 (goodwill)..

Yard sale items.. 0-3 okie dokie girl outfit .50, carters animal layette 1.50, carters monkey outfit 1.00, child of mine layette 1.50 and gerber sleeper .50..

Yard sale page finds.. Next 3 pics are of baby girl clothes I picked up on my facebook yard sale page.. All are baby gap except for the last pic they are just one you (target brand carters) all of the clothes was $25 (that comes out to a little over $3 a piece) super good deal!!

Online yard sale/goodwill items... Fisher price baby monitor $10 (online yard sale facebook), camo pants, american eagle jeans (was so excited about these for my son!!!) and childrens place jeans (excited about these also!!) all of these were $2 a pair at goodwill..

Kmart clearance.. Delta grow with me changing table/dresser $60 regularly 159.99.. I could not find a pic of this changing table on here so this pic is very close but mine is a lighter color and the bins are a little different.. I watched this thing for a month until it finally came down to $60 it was a super deal!!

UPDATE!!!... As of September 12th I have returned the girl items purchased at stores and also put most of the clothes on they yard sale page or got them ready for an upcoming consignment sale.. Also wanted to update on the changing table above, I went back into kmart wherte I seen they marked it down even more to 31.99 (wholey moley that is a great deal) so I took in my receipt to see if they would price adjust it and THEY DID!!!!  So that means I got my changing table brand new for 31.99 I was so excited!!