Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's Back... Cute and Thrifty Outfit of the Day 09/24/12-09/30/12!!!

Oh yes it is baaaccckkk my son's cute and thrifty outfit of the day but doing it a little different instead of everyday I am just going to do it by the week.. So this is for the week of 09/24/12-09/30/12..
09/25/12-Grey Baby Gap car t-shirt (came from once upon a child for 3.50), pants are carters jeans so cute with a little rip on the leg(came from goodwill for 2.00) and shoes are converse all-star grey (came from yard sale for .50!!!).. So his whole outfit cost me 6.00 now that is cute and thrifty!!
09/27/12-Old Navy toy story boy next door shirt (goodwill 2.00), Levis grey denim shorts (once upon a child 5.50) and not pictured his Nike sandals (birthday gift from my mom) so all together his outfit cost 7.50 now that is cute and thrifty!!
09/28/12-Ralph Lauren Polo shirt (goodwill 2.00), Childrens Place jeans with decal and distressed (once upon a child 5.50) and his New Balance tennis shoes (new in box at yard sale for 5.00!!) so his whole outfit cost 12.50 now that is cute and thrifty!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

One Person's Trash Is Another Person's Treasure....

As I have mentioned before my family loooovvveess yard sales we go every saturday we don't have any other plans and yes I do take my son with me (he usually cleans up and almost always gets something for free I blame his good looks).. It always amazes me the things that some people have for sale, like in their heads they think "someone is just crazy enough to buy this I know it" and today I was one of those people... I found a pink box (think at one time it was a wipe container) and it was full of, wait for it, BALLS like the little rubber bouncey balls in all different sizes and colors and yes I bought it (obviously love a challenge).. So that person got .50 richer and I got about 100 little bouncey balls to find all over my house but I have to say that was the best .50 ever spent my son loves them he puts them in his toys, in the back of his tricyle that he drives all over the house, he counts them and just has a ball (get it) with them.. So the old saying is true one person's trash is another person's treasure cause let's face it any other person would have just thrown them away not put them in a box to keep and my son sure is glad she did...
This is the container that the balls came in..
This is a few of the balls that were in there the rest are hiding in places all over my house and I am sure we will be finding them for years.... I think we got a pretty good deal for .50..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1-2-3 You Can't Find Me....

My son has learned a new game and I am sure you all know this one very well (want to take this time to say thank you to his uncle for teaching him lol).. It is the oh so wonderful and dearly loved HIDE AND SEEK, loved by all kids loathed by most parents.. Know don't get me wrong I like playing it every now and then but my son wants me to play it NON-STOP 24/7.. He learned it when we went on our fishing trip and has been obsessed every since, have to admit it is kind of fun to just run in the other room and stand beside something (he is only 3 I don't have to be that creative yet) and when it is his turn to hide he usually just lays down in the floor and I have to pretend not to see him for a minute (good times).. Like I mentioned before it is ok for a little bit every few days but right when we wake up he says "you count to 12 momma and find me" or "I count to 12 and I find you" not sure why it is 12 or why it has to start at 8 in the morning but is doesn't end there if I am not cleaning or washing clothes he thinks it is seeking time.. Will say though I may gripe about it but the truth is I am enjoying it because all too soon he will not want Momma anywhere near him so better treasure these moments.... Hide & Seek Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Wanna Be A Wobot......

I was putting my son's pj's on last night he usually never says anything about them but this time he said "yes, Momma I wanna be a wobot" and I had to laugh because his pj's did look like a robot but for being 3 he is very smart.. I never told him they were robot pj's he figured that out on his own, they are pretty cute and I think we have found his favorite pj's...
This is a pic of the front of his shirt couldn't get the pants he was moving too much haha..
This is a pic of the back it is super cute.. Wish he really did have an on/off switch sometimes LOL....

Monday, September 24, 2012

Yes It Is That Time Again!! Goodwill Haul!!...

Haven't done a haul on here in a while (that doesn't mean I haven't been shopping)so this one is a good one for Momma.. I have been having good luck with the new with tag target clothing items for myself and my son but today I found 2 Bella Taylor purses for $4.00 each and they were in very good conditon (in the pic above)also found a super cute wallet for .95 and it looked like it had never been used.. They also had a D&G purse that I looovveedd but they wanted $75.00 for that one ummmm excuse me but isn't this the Goodwill who could afford that purse if they are shopping there, not to mention how do they know if it is real or fake? Well anyways it was still a good day for Momma got two new purses and a wallet for less than $10.00 and of course my son got a pair of shorts 2.00, pj's 2.00 and a toy .95.. Maybe in a year when I have my next Mommy play date I will get to use my purses and wallet... Be on the look out for more of these and I am bringing back my son's cute and thrifty outfit of the days!!! ***I went to the goodwill again before this was posted not going to take a pic cause it is nothing to great but thought I would share.. Got my son a pair of camo shorts for next summer 2.00, a pair of new balance tennis shoes (for him)pretty good condition 2.00, christmas tree topper .95, sketch pad (for my son) .55, sandwich case .55, tupperware container (for my son's snacks) .55 and a couple of toys for .55 each.. Not to bad spent 8.00 and got some good deals.. Love that place!!*** Oh and just for anyone interested the D&G purse (you know the $75.00 one) was GONE so I don't know if they sold it or what but if they did that is crazy!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Am I A Hoarder?....

Really don't think I am a hoarder but...... Sometimes my bedroom looks like it, that is the one room in the house where everything gets thrown when it does not have a place.. Since we have a three bedroom house and two of those rooms are occupied by my son and his toys that only leaves my room for the rest.. I used to watch that show all the time not sure why I quit watching it but decided to watch an episode last night and as the beginning started and it showed all of the houses I just happened to be in my bedroom and thought OH NO.... So I had to take care of that problem which involved going to Walmart and buying those plastic totes and little drawer things cause if it is contained in plastic is it really even there? After my binge and purge of my room and the organizing I wondered did Walmart have something to do with the making of that show cause they sure do make a lot of money after people watch it then look at their own house.. Just a little something to think about... hoarding Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Little Bit Of Effort Goes A Long Way....

Well if any of you Mommies out there are like me it is a rare occasion that you actually look presentable when you walk out of your house.. I usually have very little to no makeup on and my hair pulled up some how but there are the few times that I actually have the time to go through all the motions and look nice when I run to the store.. That means I take a long shower (my husband has to be home for that or my son would destroy my house), put my makeup on, actually do something with my hair that does not involve some kind of hair accessory and wear nice clothes that do not have any stains on them (usually by the time we leave my son has wiped something on me).. Today was that day for me and this may not have anything to do with it but at least 3 men walked up and talked to my son that never happens.. So all hale to the power of the makeup and clean clothes, may have to do that more often just to test my theory.. BEAUTY Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Momma!!....

Had to share this cause sometimes my son is just too cute... My birthday is not for another 10 months but today as I was washing dishes my son came running in to the kitchen with a box and he said "happy birthday momma, this fo you, open it" but first we had to sing the birthday song my son informed me with a "pwease Momma" so we did the birthday song and I opened the present and there in the box was his very dirty but favorite soccor ball then he said "come Momma to the living room, we can pway wif you pwesent" how nice of him.. So we did and his plan worked out for him he got to pway wif his soccor ball even though Momma was cleaning (we have an understanding when Momma is cleaning we can't play) guess he figured a way around that one didn't he.. This just makes me see I am going to have my hands full in a few more years he is just too smart.... life quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Are You Smarter Than A 3 Year Old...

This post is going to be about how my 3 year old is smarter than I ever was or will be... To start off I think my son is a genius he can say his ABC's (he was doing this at 19 months), count to 20 almost 30 (he could count to 10 by 20 months), knows his colors (knew them by 2 years), shapes (he knows what a pentagon and hexagon are), can write all of his letters and numbers(there are a few that he has trouble with) and he can almost write his name.. I am sure there are a few things I did not mention but I will add at his age according to my mom I was lucky to be talking or even walking... Which brings me to the point of this blog post my husband bought a Kindle Fire (just to get on the internet with waste of a machine if you ask me but that rant is now over) which he put a few apps on it for our son (learning apps.) now the kid can work this Kindle I don't even know how to use it and he just gets it turns it on and off he goes playing his games he can find them, start them then play them I am amazed.. Could he be the next Einstein (I know a little too far but can't help but to brag).. The only technological item I ever owned was a cell phone until about 7 years ago when I actually got a c-o-m-p-t-e-r now I own a laptop which my son can also operate big surprise huh.... Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yes..... I Am One Of Those Moms.....

Ok so here we go I just recently stared reading again (I did that a lot before my son was born) and to start that off right I read the Twilight Saga oh yes I am 31 years old and have now become a twi-hard (oh that sounds even worse in print).. In my defense it took me 3 years for this to happen I stayed away from it for that long then last October it came on cable and I thought well let's see what this is all about... Back story I got married in 2008 and on my wedding day one of my friends (who has been a twi-hard since the begining and always tried to get me to come to the dark side) little girl, she was about 8 at the time asked me "Why didn't you marry Edward" and at the time I was thinking who the hell is Edward now I am like "I don't know, why didn't I marry Edward"... So as you see it took me watching the movie one time to get the fever after that I had to see every movie that was out and read all the books (and I must say every movie Robert Pattinson has played in so yes I am one of those mom's you are embarrased for on a side note I highly recommend Water for Elephant's, read that book too)... Well it could be worse for my son I could be obsessed with 50 Shades too.. Twilight saga Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ladies Night and the Feelings Right.....

Ok so it may be hard to believe but I used to go out and fun on the weekends yes that was BS (before son not the other meaning) but on the rare occasion (which is rare like once every year) I go out with a few girl friends we all used to work together and now we all have husbands (or are commited to someone) and children but have to admit it is fun to go out have a bite and talk about "the good old days" when we were young and stupid (we probably tell the same stories everytime but who cares) cause I don't care what anybody says everyone has done something stupid in their life if you have not it has to be boring to be you (and coming from me the queen of boring now, that is bad).. At some point in the evening there is always some random dude that is entertained by one of the comments or actions at the table (or is that just my friends and I) and we think back to if that was 10 years ago what would we have done now a days we just sorta set there and laugh but back then we probably would have gotten up on the table and did something way worse, thank good for growing up.. Sometimes you just need that get away but nothing compares to when I get home to my son and he tells me "Momma I missed you, you are my best fwiend" it melts my heart and makes me glad I took some of the detours in my life so it could come to this.. So go have a ladies night so you can come home to your best fwiend!! friend Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Gonna Go Fishin' Momma....

Not to long ago my mom and I made plans to meet my grandparents on their camping trip so my grandad could take my son fishing we had just bought him a fishing pole and all I heard was "I wanna go fishin' momma".. Now he is only three so his attention span is not existant but when my grandad called and asked to take him fishing I thought well lets give it a try.. It started out promising he carried his little pole and container of worms to the water my grandad helped him put his worm on and cast it out for him but of course my son waited all of 3 seconds to reel it back in and of course when there was no fish on the end of the line my son found other things to do.. Like get his feet stuck in the mud, then walked out in the water and sat down, then ran up the bank where the other people fishing were not so thrilled to have a screaming 3 year old scaring the fish (sorry guys better luck next time) but he came back from time to time to check in with my grandad and finally after numerous worms casts and a few leaf catches they threw in the towel.. All in all I think it was a very good day my grandad enjoyed it and so did my son and lets face it this trip was more about the time being spent with my grandad then catching any fish but it still would have been nice to see one fish that day... fish Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It Has Been 2 Months.... Might as well do another blog...

Do you work? I get that question alot and here is my answer..... Do I work? Why yes I am a maid, chauffer (why do blogs not have a spell checker), vet tech, baby sitter, baker, crafter, photographer, nurse (or doctor since that is what my son calls me when I bandage him up after one of his collosal falls), teacher, personal shopper, therapist (my friends have alot of "baggage"), accountant (lets face it my husband doesn't know how to pay a bill), decorator, event planner and secretary.. Do you work? Oh just the one job must have alot of time on your hands.... So yes a stay at home mom really works I am molding the new generation so in 20 years when my son is out in the world and being the kind of person he should be (like being respectful, hard working and kind unlike most of the kids I see today) I will be saying "Your Welcome!!" (bet you are glad I "worked" now).. So that is why sometimes I go for a few months with out writing a blog.. Hope it is not 2 more before my next entry :) Quote Pictures, Images and Photos