Wednesday, March 29, 2023

More Easter Decor for 2023-Bunny's Bunny's and more Bunny's

     Hello thrifty mommas!! This is an accumulative haul of items from the past few weeks of my mom and I's adventures in thrift/vintage shopping. The first couple of pics are from a couple of antique stores we went to out of town. I have started a new hunt recently for wooden mashers and vintage butter molds on this trip I found a few of those items which is always good! Everything in the top pic came from one antique store and it was $30 for it all of course my favorite has to be the butter molds but the bunny's are cute. The second pic was from a different antique store there is one valentine item (the napkin) in this grouping I had to have it for next year all together I paid $30 for these items too. 
     The two books in pic 2 was purchased at a storage unit yard sale I love to go to they was $1 a piece. The third pic is a ceramic bunny from the 60s that I am in love with look at his adorable face! I found him an a junk store I go to alot in my area they sometimes have some really neat items he was only $10! The last pic was from a week ago when my mom and I went to a few stores around our town. The wooden bunny and carrots came from a local craft shop they was $25 (a little expensive but.... it's not a thrift store...) then the rest of the items came from my friends antique shop where I got the dooney I was looking for some vintage cookie cutters that day for my decor and there they was it's funny when that happens. For all of the items from the antique store I paid $7 what a deal. See it's all a game of balance when you thrift sometime you pay up and sometimes you get a great deal..... 


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